FROM THE COLLAPSE OF EAST GERMANY TO GERMAN UNIFICATION In May 1989, Hungary began dismantling its border fortifications at the Austrian frontier. Thousands of East Germans took the opportunity to flee to the West through this hole in the ,Iron Curtain“, More than 200,000 East Germans fled their country either across this border or through West German embassies in Prague and Warsaw. This mass exodus coincided with increased palitical protests at home. East German leaders tried to respond to the pesistent demonstrations of the civil rights movement and dissident groaps by ousting Erich Honecker in mid-October. However, the collagse of the Communist regime was unavoidable. The Wall came down on 9 November 1989. In March 1990, the first free parliamentary elec:,tions were held in East Germany. The Christian Democratic Union (CLU) led by Lothar de i - Maiziere won the most seats. Rainer Eppelman n Lutheran priest and former “construction soldier” of the N atior,al People’s Army, became minister for disarmament and defence. His goal was to retain two armed forces in one country. This soon pro*‘red unrealistic. The new East German government supported sulvift accession, as did most East Germans. With the German Unity on 3 October 1990, the East German state and the National People’s An:"xy ceased to exist.